Route 1: El Pilar – La Salemera



Route type: Descent
Download file: salemera.GPX
  • Distance: 15,26 Km
  • Maximum height: 1594 m.
  • Minimum height: 20 m.
  • Height of the exit: 1462 m.
  • Height of the arrival: 19 m.
  • Accumulated descending level: 1573 m.
  • Accumulated ascending level: 135 m.
  • Maximum speed: 9229 m/h

A path with steep slopes that goes through all the levels of vegetation of the eastern side, from the humid pine wood to the arid coast.

The path starts at a stretch shared with the beginning of Route 4 (slightly under 5 km). Past Llano de la Mosca, the path goes through half-abandoned orchards before going down towards the striking Roque Niquiomo. It’s a volcanic dome, in other words a lava “cork” that solidified without reaching the surface and that erosion later removed from its wrapping.


At its base we find it’s orographic opposite: the Sima del Niquiomo, a vertical cave 50 metres deep. Although it is difficult to access (absolutely not recommended without the proper equipment), there is evidence that the preHispanic inhabitants of the island entered it frequently, probably attracted by the water that seeped through the walls.


The route then veers south along a forest track, but soon returns following the Barranco de San Simón. Leaving behind the laurel forest, the landscape opens up and becomes agricultural around La Sabina. This district is of modest size, like the other thirteen that make up the municipality of Villa de Mazo, and sprinkled with traditional Canarian houses. We pass by the Cross of the same name and turn into at Barranco de Las Cuevas, which we leave to cross the LP-206. Below this foot path we join up with the path to Malpaíses, the second town of our run that also has basic services available to recuperate or acquire provisions.

Past the second and last road (the LP-2, which goes around the south of the island), the environment shows its third and last reincarnation: Young lava flows, nearly bare, where the plants hold on to barely a hand span of fertile earth. Spurges, castor oil plants and Canary dock are the owners of this landscape, topped off in the distance by the Montaña del Azufre’s silhouette.


Finally, at the foot of the cliff, the coast village of La Salemera, where the path luckily ends next to a series of bars and restaurants. A dip from the nearby pebble beach will help relieve any accumulated muscular fatigue.