Description: It has seven 11-bed cabins laid out around a central services block. It can be used as the starting point of a hike into La Caldera. These facilities are not for individuals; they are reserved for schools and organised groups, who have to present a programme of activities and pay a deposit. The area is about 3 kilometers along the La Cumbrecita road.
Access: The Visitors’ Center of the National park (to which it is possible to come in public transport across the line Santa Cruz of La Palma – The Plains of Aridane) divides one highway that goes up to the classroom of the nature, which is to 1. 5 kilometers of distance.
Permit/authorisation: La Caldera de Taburiente National Park (Visitors’ Centre, Kilometre 20.500 along the LP-3 road, El Paso – Telephone: 922 922 280)